Portfolio » Projects

BarTab Keepr

Role: Creator, designer, and programmer

An iOS utility app that adds notifications and location-aware alerts to drinking out on the town at bars and clubs, enabling users to keep track of their running total and the number of drinks on an open tab.


I kept hearing from young men in their 20s that they always forget to close out their bartab at the end of the night and have to schlepp back the next day – hungover – to pick up their credit card. When the iOS SDK began to offer the capability to monitor location in the background, using local notifications to alert people about places of interest nearby, I decided to look into offering an app for these thwarted bar goers.

The app features a basic edition that also allows users to track their spending and consumption according to customized limits, receiving an alert when they’ve exceeded the mark.  A PRO in-app purchase add-on provides customized location menus, custom drinks, and a tab history with statistics.

Best compliment I’ve received on this app? A customer in Belgium wrote to me to make some suggestions and eventually ended up letting me know that he found the app so useful that it wound up on his home screen. That’s worth a lot in the app world!

Additional Resources

BarTab Keepr Support SiteBarTab Keepr Open TabsBarTab Keepr Tab History BarTab Keepr Reminder Alert BarTab Keepr Options BarTab Keepr Tips BarTab Keepr Tab BarTab Keepr Alarm Modes