Portfolio » Projects

Member Biographies CMS

Porting an existing system from an old ASP Classic VBScript codebase to an existing staff portal intended to serve as a centralized content management system for organizational assets.  The new system still had to allow for member submissions to be completed on the old website, while all staff review and publication functionality moved to the new CMS.… [read more]

Press Release Publishing System

Another rebuild for an outdated codebase built in ASP Classic with VBScript, this project integrated old and new functionality into an existing staff portal built with Laravel and AdminLTE. The new system leveraged Laravel’s event bus and queued dispatch capabilities to publish and send Press Releases to customized mailing lists.  Releases were also published to associated organization websites based on tags provided by approved content editors.… [read more]

Custom Member Newsletter System

A rebuild of an earlier system build in .Net, the new custom member newsletter system was built to integrate with the existing in-house staff system used for content management, developed in PHP, Laravel, and AdminLTE. The project leveraged Laravel’s event bus and queued dispatch capabilities to send daily emails to member subscribers according to an approved publication schedule of content.… [read more]