Portfolio » Projects

BarTab Keepr

An iOS utility app that adds notifications and location-aware alerts to drinking out on the town at bars and clubs, enabling users to keep track of their running total and the number of drinks on an open tab.

TokyoFive Website

Business website for the Tokyo Five clothing brand.  The website was built using Magento and flash components for the interactive style guide.

The Coming Soon Splash Page was developed completely in flash and featured a fullscreen video to introduce the brand.  Initial elements for the page included eyes that followed the mouse cursor on the website, as well as dynamically animated sequence for the kanji on the page (trigged by rolling over the boxed glyph on the screen).  … [read more]

BrinkGuide Mobile App Series

An iPhone/iPod Touch series of mobile travel guide applications developed internally by BrinkMedia for major cities worldwide, including San Francisco, London, New York and Tucson.

Cool Capitals Website

Website featuring tourist and editorial information on five european capitals, developed by a consortium of official travel boards for each nation.

BRINK Mag Website

An internal social media project developed by BrinkMedia as a citizen journalism forum for progressive arts and politics.… [read more]